Donate Stocks or Through CHECKS

Please follow the below steps to donate stocks:

  • Please approach your respective brokerage firm (schwab or etrade or UBS or Wells Fargo or whoever) and tell them of their intent to donate shares to Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona

  • Your brokerage firm will have a form that you will need to fill. In that form from the brokerage firm, you will need to fill-in the following information from the temple:

    • Name of receiving institution: Wells Fargo Advisors

    • Account Name in receiving institution: Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona

    • Account Number of MGTOA in receiving institution: 78743521

    • DTC# of receiving institution: 0141

    • If the form asks for receiving institution's mailing address & ph# then use: Wells Fargo Advisors, Attn: MAC N9160-01P, PO Box 77046, Minneapolis MN 55480-9902 & Ph# 1-800-872-3377

  • Submit the filled-in form to the donor's respective brokerage firm (it can typically be done via online). After submitting, notify the Maha Ganapati Temple by sending an email to

After 2-3 business days, temple would be able to confirm the receipt of the share transfer into Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona account. Temple will then issue a receipt accordingly.


If you would like to donate to the temple by writing a check, Please make the checks payable to
"Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona" and mail the check to   Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona
P.O. Box - 11368
Chandler, AZ, 85248-0007